Nareg Gourjian, Founder of Gourjian Law Group, In The Media

Dr. Conrad Murray
Nareg Gourjian Exclusive

Michael Jackson Doctor
Murray’s Lawyer Speaks Out

This Week with George Stephanopoulos

Chris Brown
Chris Brown Gets Probation

Scott Peterson
Mr. Gourjian Discusses Trial

Piers Morgan Tonight

“America’s Got TalenT” Contestant
Joe Finley Hires Mr. Gourjian – Exonerated!

PNB Rock Busted DUI
Rock Hires Mr. Gourjian

LA Dodger’s Milton Bradley
Mr. Bradley Get’s Probation

Kenneth Chiaramonte
Chiaramonte Files Suit Against Sly’s Sister

Charges Dropped
Case Type: Murder Chargers
Client accused of murder. Top Criminal Defense Lawyer, Nareg Gourjian, succeeds in getting charges dropped.
Not Guilty
Felony Sexual Misconduct
Client charged with felony sexual misconduct. Nareg Gourjian, one of L.A.’s best criminal defense attorneys, successfully wins the case. Not guilty.
Recovered $4 Million
Wrongful Death Case
Nareg Gourjian successfully trials a wrongful death case against L.A. County Sheriff Department, and recovers $4 millions for his client.
Recovered $1.2 Million
Wrongful Death Case
Nareg Gourjian, personal injury attorney, of Gourjian Law Group successfully recovers $1.2 million in a wrongful death case.